How to object

The quickest way to object is by emailing

You can list more than one application in the same objection but must include all reference numbers.

You must add your address in order for CDC to post your objection.

You can add attachments, such as photographs, to support your objection.

Your comments will be added to the CDC portal once received.

Emotional outcries don’t impress the planners; Well-argued facts do.

  • The existing traffic infrastructure – one road in, one road out.
  • The overwhelmed medical facilities and emergency services.
  • Inadequate sewage and water drainage systems
  • The flood risk with developments proposed in low lying flood plains.
  • Endangered wildlife – using animal corridors for development.
  • The lack of employment opportunities in the area.
  • The loss of eco tourism and its impact on the local economy.

You can also write to the following address:

CDC Planning Department
East Pallant House
West Sussex
PO19 1TY

Existing and Potential Planning Applications in Western Manhood Peninsula

378 Now under construction or recently completed in last eight years

833 Specific applications lodged but could climb to 1016.

1,248 Balance of “Developable” dwellings over next 10 years