The Headlines are firstly that the proposed Gladman Development for 150 houses has gone to appeal so is now in the hands of the Planning Inspector.  Her decision is overdue and there is some interesting “argy bargy” going on between the Inspector and the various parties to do with Government changes to the housing supply periods.

Secondly – the two Barratts applications for a total of 325 houses were both convincingly turned down by CDC planning committee at their meeting on 27th September.

The Emaray  application for 62 houses in Bracklesham Lane.(opposite the Miller Homes site of 85 houses) was also resoundingly rejected by CDC planning committee in their meeting of 22nd November

Still a long way to go on all fronts but these latest three decisions are completely logical and send a clear message to speculative developers – “The Western Manhood Peninsula is not the right place to build these large developments.” 

Another very worrying application for a total of 308 additional/replacement holiday lodges at Medmerry.  This will be a very extensive development right alongside a special nature reserve with several precious designations. Click here to see the application 

The Witterings, Bracklesham and Birdham are some of the last few undeveloped coastal villages on the south coast between Brighton and Southampton.

The Manhood Peninsula contains some of the south’s most important wildlife, high grade agricultural land and critical wetlands, that are vital in the UK’s response to climate change.

Unbelievably our natural and unspoilt landscapes are being put up for unprecedented housing development. These green spaces should be protected from a local development plan but sadly CDC have failed to deliver one in time, so developers are now applying to build on the green agricultural land that our wildlife and ecotourism so heavily relies upon.

If these developments to ahead, our rural villages will merge into one big city on the sea.

Manhope was started in 2017 amidst growing concerns about the urbanisation of the western end of the Manhood Peninsula, just south of Chichester, and was intended to be an informative portal. That remains the central purpose today but with more Manhope volunteers we are actively informing residents through events, newsletters and public meetings.

Stay in touch

Have you considered the impact of further development

  • The existing traffic infrastructure – one road in, one road out.
  • The overwhelmed medical facilities and emergency services.
  • Inadequate sewage and water drainage systems.
  • The flood risk with developments proposed in low lying flood plains.
  • Endangered wildlife – using animal corridors for development.
  • The lack of employment opportunities in the area.
  • The loss of eco tourism and its impact on the local economy.

Currently there are planning applications for 909 more houses on the Western Manhood

This includes 200 that have already been approved but not yet built. The Witterings, Bracklesham, and Earnley alone have already provided nearly 400 new houses in the last ten years. Across the whole Peninsula the total number of new houses could be over 3,000. Never before have our Parish Councils come together with such a single purpose – to oppose these large and speculative developments.

To help you can :

  • Write to your Parish Council offering your support.
  • Make sure you object to the latest and all large applications – see below.
  • Write to Andrew Frost  Head of Planning at CDC – see below.
  • Write to our MP Gillian Keegan
How to object

Environmental Information Reporting Form

East Wittering and Bracklesham Parish Council are building a database of environmental issues that affect the Parish. This evidence will help them to produce a comprehensive picture of the current vulnerabilities in the Parish and help to lobby the relevant statutory organisations more effectively for improvements and changes.

The form can be used to report any sewage or surface water flooding incidents, and to share significant wildlife sightings. Please contribute towards this database and attach photos if possible so they can build a photo archive of evidence.

Go to Form

Current Applications

150 houses

Main Road, Birdham

The appeal hearing for this proposed site has closed and the Inspectors decison is expected in October/November.



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To say what you think about this and other urbanisation

62 houses

Bracklesham Lane, Bracklesham

This application for 62 houses on yet another green field site would have meant substantial urbanisation but  has been soundly rejected by the CDC planning committee.

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100 houses

Clappers Lane, Earnley

Application was refused by CDC on very sound grounds. Developer appealed and that appeal has been upheld by the Inspectorate on grounds that will appall local residents. Earnley Parish Council and local residents did everything thy could but sadly democracy in this arena is "histoire"

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70 houses (226)

Church Road, East Wittering

Application refused by CDC. Developer appealed and won the appeal so expect a full application for 70 new houses to be, probably, followed by a further 156 in due course.

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access & 45 sheltered accomodation

Church Road, East Wittering

CDC planning has rejected this application giving nine reasons.  This should be read in conjunction with the application for 280 houses in the same field.

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280 houses etc etc

Church road East wittering

CDC planning have rejected this application giving ten reasons.


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308 holiday lodges

By RSPB Medmerry, Earnley

A very extensive application for "additional/replacement holiday lodges" wetland area, two lakes, amenity lake and beach, central village hub, boathouse, childrens play and picnic area, adventure playground, adventure golf, padel tennis, beachside pool, tennis courts, playing field and dog park, back of house maintenance area, associated landscaping, drainage facilities, car parking, access roads and habitat enhancement areas.

View Application Email CDC Planning
You must give your address and the application number

Stay in Touch

Please fill in the form and we will send you updates on planning applications, appeals, CDC meetings as well as news and events regarding the local area.

We also use crowd funding to pay for marketing collateral, events and website updates. All money raised through crowd funding goes directly towards marketing materials and public events. Supporters and organisers time is entirely voluntary and unpaid. Please visit our crowd funding page for details.

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applications and petitions.

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The Last Straw

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